Here is the third project from the class. *Please note, if I am not clear on something or you have questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
Ball chain
small swivel clasp
4 small jump rings
Muse Token
mini safety pin
long fastener
game spinner
large sprocket gear
small sprocket gear
1. Attach 2 small jump rings to Muse Token.
2. Pinch swivel clasp and swivel open.
3. Slide Muse Token onto swivel clasp and secure clasp closed.
4. Insert mini safety pin through prongs of long fastener.
5. Insert long fastener through washer so that the mini pin is sitting on top of the washer.
6. Insert game spinner on long fastener.
7. Insert large sp
rocket gear on long fastener.
8. Insert small sprocket gear on long fastener.
9. Insert through hole at the "bottom" of the swivel clasp and secure closed.
10. Attach 2 small jump rings to the large sprocket gear.
11. Thread ball chain through jump rings.
Voila! Super cute necklace!