Wednesday, December 1, 2010

An icy slide into December!

Wow! This year has zoomed by! December 1st already? It is time to start on my December Daily, I am working on the free class offered by Jessica Sprague, and I have a new project that I really cannot wait to reveal tomorrow. Hopefully it will inspire some of you.

This last half of the year has been a bit crazy, but it is starting to wind down. School will be ending in a few weeks, I am starting to find my routine, life is just good. I am going to play a quick catch up here:

My new favorite Thanksgiving decoration. They remind me of a balloon from the Macy's Parade.

Then there is my newest handmade Fall decoration. No surprise it is a banner, right? 

Thanksgiving dinner was unconventional with no turkey. I feel like I did a lot of these that day.

But this turned out pretty darn good. At least that is what the masses said.

And I found some more inspiration when I found the top of my desk last night. Can't wait to send this to my friends.

Okay, so that is about the last two weeks of November in Cliff's Notes. I will be back tomorrow to unveil another of my midnight, should be sleeping inspirations.


  1. Oh, what eye candy! You know, I've been really loving banners lately... yours looks great! And your layout is lovely! Love those gold-toned flowers with all the other elements. Can't wait to see what you have to unveil!

  2. I am so jealous of your talent cuz. I can't wait to dive into my box of goodies (i'm sure to get at least a half dozen paper cuts romping through it)and make some banners. I absolutely love your banners.

  3. Love the title letters and flowers! TFS! :-)
