Monday, January 23, 2012

It has taken a year

for me to finish this layout. A year. That is just sad, really. The layout itself came together very smoothly, which for a one picture per page scrapper like myself, that is impressive with the 15 pictures on this page. I LOVE the colors and have used this line for at least two other projects.

Honestly, I wasn't sure what to do with the journaling. I wanted it to be on the doily obviously, but did I handwrite it or type it? And if I typed it, how was I going to make sure it was in a circle? So incomplete it stayed.

Until today when I sat down at the computer, actually read the "Help" section on my word processing program and figured out how to type in a circle. Then I was faced with what to say. How did I impart in a 4.5"x4.5" space how special it was and is to me that my Grandma and I were both born in January? How did I say that simply sharing the month with her made me feel special, gave me a bond to her that has even 18 years after her death, continued to warm my heart in this otherwise dreary month? I just typed and let what ever come to mind become journaling.

One of my favorite parts of the layout is the feathers. I love feathers and adding them to the page just gives it a fun and different touch to me. I also added a few red bling in homage to the garnet, January's birthstone.


  1. a year is nothing!! don't ask how i know this! :) LOL. I have 'something' for you on my blog - check it out - the dear lizzy post. *grins*


  2. Oh, but the layout is lovely! I like how you fit so many photos on one page.. I've been drifting towards doing the 1-photo/layout too. Happy birthday BTW :)

  3. i love this idea. and feathers are a big to-do for me as well. I totally was a show girl in another life.

  4. Love it! All those photos on one page and still lots of room for the design bits and pieces....nice!
    Anymore, I need to do layouts in chunks. I don't know the last time I started and finished the same layout in one sitting.
