Friday, September 18, 2009

"Plastic" flower how-to

First you will need Shimmerz paint, paper flowers, a watermark pad, Ultra Thick Embossing Enamel, (known from here on as UTEE) and a heat gun. I also use my craft sheet and a tin roasting pan from the dollar store.

Paint the flowers with the Shimmerz, adding as many coats as desired. Let dry or use your heat gun to speed up the drying time.

Press the face of the flowers into the watermark coating them completely with the ink. Then cover the flower with UTEE.

Heat the flower up until the UTEE is melted. Let cool. For a more plastic look, repeat the watermark, UTEE and heating up process.


  1. im going to try this! Hrm.... so... do you think this could be done on a larger scale? like say.... dinner plate sized flowers?

  2. Great tutorial! I need to get some of that UTEE to try this!

  3. WOW so cool! you are so clever! im definitely goin to try that ;) teehee...and thx for coming by my blog ;)-jaz
