Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Another chance

A lot, (most? all?), of people wax poetic at the start of the new year. Resolutions, goals, fresh starts, new beginnings, etc. I am not usually one to be a part of all that cause I am honest with my personality and I know that I have to do these things on a day by day basis, with the exception of choosing a word for the year. A word to live by, a word I use to remind myself of the path I am trying to forge. It is simple and not my original idea. I know Ali Edwards does it every year, as well as Christina Kane and many more.

It is a great format for those like me who somehow lose entire days and wake up, say, on January 18th wondering where the first two weeks of the month have gone. I try to come up with a word that works in many situations, a word that can be part of a saying or can stand alone. This year, my word is:

2012 is the year for me to RISK. Risk everything, risk it all, take fashion risks, the list goes on. So, expect to see this word show up in various places in my life this year. I will not be irresponsible, but I am not going to necessarily play it safe anymore.

One of the places I have been lately is a quick trip to Oregon to celebrate a very special lady's 65th birthday. While on the 36 hour journey, I was able to steal a few moments with this beauty and am so blessed to be an auntie to her and her sister.

(Risk image from: )


  1. Adorable pic. She's absolutely too cute. That's quite a lot of driving for such a short trip home but glad you got to see the family.

    Brave word you've chosen. I'll be looking forward to seeing some of those risks you'll be taking.

  2. Great choice for your OLW! Cute pic! Have a great day.
