I figured I would take a quick break to answer some questions I have received on my blog. I wouldn't want y'all to think they went unheard. In fact, the reason I require my "approval" of all comments is so that I can make sure I read each one. I would feel really bad if I missed one.
Serene and Susan both asked about the drips on the "Favorite Villain" layout from Wednesday's Use What You Got post.
*The drips were part of the original paper. I did not add that, just cut out the specific drips I wanted to add over the mat and photos. You can do something similar to this with a paintbrush and watered down paint that you dab across the top of a page and then hold up to allow the paint to drip. It probably wouldn't look as thick as this border, but I have done it and it looks smashing on velvet brocade paper, (see first photo below). You can also highlight the drips with Glossy Accents, like I did on the music paper below. As I was considering this question, I came upon an idea of mixing some Perfect Pearls or maybe a drop of alcohol ink to some Glossy Accents and seeing if that could recreate the effect as well. This is an untested theory as of yet.*
Susan mentioned on Monday's Random 5- No Rhyme or Reason that she was thinking of picking up Mark, the cute little Weeble looking guy made for the SMASHbooks, yet wasn't sure what to do with him.
*I have Mark and he is totally worth the $2 price tag, even if you do not own a SMASHbook. I think he would be awesome on a layout that featured him with a word bubble, giving advice to whomever is in the photo, like possibly a man who has four daughters? ;) If nothing else, he is fun to look at and make up voices for.*
Serene, also referring to the No Rhyme or Reason Random 5, asked what the Hubs t-shirt said.
*This one is right up your alley, Serene! Or more specifically, up your darling hubby's alley. It says, "The Mighty Marvel" and features Hulk, Captain America, Wolverine, and Spidey in profile. Could it have a future as a piece of wall art next to Wonder Woman? Quite possibly, my friends, quite possibly.*
Amber brought up the question, "Aren't you allergic to lilies?" regarding the picture of Lily wearing one on the Simply Saturday in Pastels post.
*Yes, I am and I have now voiced my Achille's to the world in case someone is looking to do me in. Just a note-- it does take me a while to be affected by their noxious smell and it only works with the Asiatic lilies, like Stargazers and Tiger Lilies. I can lay down in a bed of Callas and be fine. That is because Callas are not really lilies, just FYI. And there is your tidbit of useless knowledge for the day, folks!*
Last, but certainly not least, while it wasn't a question, a number of you wished my poorly kitty to be well soon back on the Busy Thursday post. I just wanted to say thank you for the kind wishes and that she recovered fine. It seems she has ear wax issues, which I am sure is WAY more information than you really needed, and needed to have some drops to make her right as rain.
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