Friday, February 26, 2010

Look what is blooming!

I am on a total flower kick right now. Last night wasn't as productive as the night before, though I did get some more reading about Dewey the Library Cat done, but I revisited the flower making. First was more of the organza type, only this time in rust and champagne tones.

I really love these, have I mentioned that? I need more practice, there is actually a fine art to the melting process. I also need to find more old necklaces with beads that are strung. I went to some estate/garage sales this morning in hopes of finding some, but another girl got to those goodie bags before me and bought all of them. :(

My second set of flowers are torn paper flowers. I like how grungy they are and are completely different from the organza blooms. I pulled out some scraps and went to town.

I have some more flower ideas that I would like to try. Maybe tonight. Then again, maybe not. We shall see.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

A magical night

It is rare that I find the time/mental capacity to create more than one thing in a evening. So five things is unheard of. It was one of those times where I literally couldn't stop and the projects ran a gamut of ideas. So here they are, starting with the layout that I created based on one of this week's sketches at Memory Makers.

Next is the two cards I made after completing the layout, one using scraps from this layout. The first one is a thank you card, the second is one for my BFF of all time, also using scraps from a previous layout.

Next is a project I have been really wanting to try, organza flowers. I am in love with the girly trend going on right now and I will be holding onto it long after it isn't trendy any more. This is the second flower I made and I must say, I am surprised at how well it turned out.

And last but certainly not least, I just HAD to pull out my new Melody Ross stuff I got yesterday. Being that it was well after midnight when I did this, I promised myself that I would just look through it. Famous last words. An hour later, I had most of this mini canvas completed and the only reason I stopped was because I had covered it in Glossy Accents and had to let it dry. 

SO cute!! Love her new Artsy Urban and Homespun Chic collections. I had just picked this mini canvas and easel up yesterday when I went to buy organza and am now considering going back and buying all the store had to make a bunch of these for gifts. This is what I was thinking about long after I laid down to go to sleep. It is like my mind was making up for lost time.  

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Two new layouts and a little contest

**Okay, so we have a winner. You are all quick. Melissa, I have your addy. Thanks for noticing that I added the Tim Holtz "Destiny" metal tag under the photo. Thanks to everyone for playing!**

I made two new layouts today, one from a sketch and a lift. The first one is for the sketch of the week for the Memory Makers Forum. The talented Alanna shared her first sketch and it inspired this:

I am actually pleasantly surprised by how much I like the end result because when I started, I have to admit, I wasn't feeling it. Then bit by bit, it came together. Yes, those are my siblings, hence the title.

Second layout of the day is a lift from Amy Parker who was published with a very cute layout in this month's Scrapbook Trends. It features a photo of my nephew Alex that I have been wanting to scrap since I saw it. I kept it in my stash of photos to scrap, but each time I pulled it out, it wasn't right. Until today.

The funniest thing is that I showed this to dear Hubby and he said, "It actually turned out good." Actually? ACTUALLY!?!?! As in you are surprised that it is good? As in compared to all that other crap you have created so far, I had little faith in your abilities, but this layout is actually good? I realize that isn't what he meant and that maybe I am a bit moody because I haven't eaten since this morning. Just maybe.

Okay and last but not least, the contest. I am re-posting my "Home Girls" layout from yesterday. One because it is a better picture in regards to color and two, I made a small change to the layout. It is obvious and the first person to leave me a comment naming what it is that is different, I will send a little RAK to.

I am also leaving the original version up, so this is a lot like those matching games we used to play in our color books.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Sayonara dry spell!

I made a layout!!! Yay!! I won't even tell you how long it took me to make this, all that matters is that I did it. I used this month's My Mind's Eye sketch and color challenge, pink and red. As soon as I pulled the papers and then the picture, I saw this come together. It was the title I struggled with. First it said "GALS" in magenta glitter letters. Then I put it back to this safari print, "Girls" but it looked like it was missing something, so I dug out this little container which holds the remains of two very different alphas, one pink plastic and one bronze metal. I tried a ton of different words like "best"- missing the s & t, "great"- still missing the t, 'xoxo"- didn't fit right until finally I stumbled across "home." I figure I had my word search lesson for the day plus made a great layout. "Home Girls" works because these two girlies are ones who you know would travel across the country for you, would make you chicken noodle soup at 2:00 am if you were hungry, who for some reason love you even though you are crazy. Heck, maybe that is why they love you. And that, to me, is a home girl.

Edited to Note-- I just realized that this challenge for MME was due yesterday. Oops! Oh well, I still got a great LO!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Creating of a different sort

Okay, so I am happy to say that my fingers are stained from Glimmer Mist and I was in playing with the super cool canvas sheets to my Donna Downey mini album. But that isn't what I am sharing with you tonight. Instead, I am sharing with you a pizza, all homemade, from the recipe in The Pioneer Woman cookbook. If you haven't checked out her website, The Pioneer Woman, you really should. She is awesome! Her recipe for potato and leek pizza caught my eye as something different and here it is!

The hubby seemed to enjoy it, so that is a good thing. I am do not like pizza in general and I have to say this was quite tasty. Unfortunately, we have a pizza stone that was in the oven and smoked up the house really bad, giving me burning eyes and a slight headache, so I think as soon as I post this, I am heading to the shower and beddy bye so I can be fresh for creating tomorrow!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

And a recap of my favorite new line at CHA

is of course the fabulous Elizabeth Kartchner! Here are some more photos of her beautiful section of the American Crafts booth.

I will hopefully be back tomorrow with something new, something I have created, maybe something Valentine's-ish?

Friday, February 12, 2010

To know me is to realize I'm a dork

Seriously, I have little to no shame, people. I am honestly the biggest goober on the planet and I am not afraid to make a complete a$$ out of myself if I think it will make someone laugh. Now, I am not talking Johnny Knoxville/ Bam Margera level jacka$$ here, just honest, plain goofy. Here are some candid shots from CHA to prove it.

1500 business cards, magnets, and postcards, plus one birthday later

LOVE this woman for so many reasons. (Mainly in this photo, for having listened to me blabber till the wee hours of the morning)

Don't you know, I smell ALL of my products before using them!?!

Nancie and her fondant and me and my double chin. (Seriously?!?!)

This is normal for me.

Disney could hire me and they wouldn't even need to add make up. Is this my best angle? (Least the double chin is missing.)

Attractive, no? (No comments about the teenager acting skin issues, please).

This is why I was laughing. Ever had a man put a balloon alien onto your arm? No? Well, it is pretty amusing, let me tell you. 

Okay, so tomorrow I will post my final CHA post, featuring more from the Dear Lizzy portion of the American Crafts booth. Yes, more of her and her fabulous items. I told you, I love her.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

A long dry spell

I have been in a funk lately, so my apologies. It usually happens around this time of year for me. Here are some more pictures from CHA, though I am sure you will have seen a lot of these or ones similar floating around.

New canvas album from Maya Road. Isn't it so inspiring for Valentine's Day?

Another canvas album from Maya Road.

Graphic 45's new Boardwalk line.

A cupcake made with the new Cricut fondant frosting machine.

And these last four are inspiring projects featured at the Tattered Angels booth.